The History of Fort Fanning

The History of Fort Fanning (HM1A8Y)

Location: Fanning Springs, FL 32693 Gilchrist County
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N 29° 35.5', W 82° 56.167'

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Fort Fanning was built in 1838 during the Second Seminole War.

The fort was originally called "Palmetto", but was renamed in honor of Colonel Alexander Campbell Wilder Fannin (1788-1846).

Made of real wood, and situated in warm humid climate, remnants of the actual fort have long since disappeared.

Colonel Fannin served under General Andrew Jackson in the First Seminole War. As a lieutenant, at the beginning of the Second Seminole War, he was noted for outstanding service when he led a charge in a battle near the Withlacochee River. His objective, during the Second Seminole War, was to capture Seminoles for deportation to the West.

Until railroads crossed the Suwannee River early in the 20th century, the Fanning Springs area served as the local boat landing.

Products such as cotton, lumber, turpentine and other plantation products would be loaded and hauled off while household and farm supplies would be received.
HM NumberHM1A8Y
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, September 10th, 2014 at 11:36pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17R E 312487 N 3275104
Decimal Degrees29.59166667, -82.93611667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 29° 35.5', W 82° 56.167'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds29° 35' 30.00" N, 82° 56' 10.02" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)352
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 9930 Kentucky Ave, Fanning Springs FL 32693, US
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