"We Must Have Done Them Considerable Damage"

"We Must Have Done Them Considerable Damage" (HM1JAK)

Location: Saint Leonard, MD 20685 Calvert County
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N 38° 23.661', W 76° 30.441'

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Captain Joshua Barney June 11, 1814

— First Battle of St. Leonard Creek —

After encountering superior British naval forces, Commodore Barney retreated into the relative safety of St. Leonard Creek, which was easily defendable because of its narrow entrance and high banks. One June 8th, 9th, and 10th, the British sent wave after wave of gunboats, schooners, and barges into the creek to destroy the Flotilla. In this First Battle of St. Leonard Creek, the British forces were soundly repulsed. They began a campaign of terror, pillaging the plantations along the Patuxent River in an attempt to draw Barney from his lair.
(Inscription next to the image in the center) Replica of report from the Maryland Republican, June 4, 1814.
Letter from Commodore Joshua Barney
"...on the evening of the ninth the enemy moved up with 20 barges, having received more force from the 74 (gun ship-of-the-line) at the mouth of the Patuxent. I met them, and after a short action drove them until dark, and returned to my anchorage. Yesterday they made a bold attempt, about 2 pm they moved up with 21 barges, one rocket barge, and two schooners in tow. On making their appearance, we went down on them; they kept up a smart fire some time seemed determined to something decisive. But they soon gave way and retreated, we pursued them down the creek. At the mouth lay the 18 gun schooner; she attempted to beat out, but our fire was so severe she ran ashore at the entrance and was abandoned. We still pursued until the Razee and brig opened upon us a brisk fire, which completely covered the schooner and the flying barge, 8c. We must have done considerable damage.
...By information, they suffered much. The large schooner was nearly destroyed, having several shot through her at the water's edge; her deck torn up, gun dismounted, and main-mast nearly cut off about half-way up, and rendered unserviceable. She was otherwise much cut; they ran her ashore to prevent her sinking. The commodore's boat was cut in two; a shot went through the rocket boat; one of the small schooners, carrying two 32 pounders, had a shot which raked her from aft, forward; the boats, generally, suffered; but I have not ascertained what loss they sustained in men." Extract of a letter from Commodore Barney to the Secretary of the Navy, William Jones, St. Leonard Creek, June 11, 1814. Courtesy of the Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Maryland. Funding provided to the Friends of Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum, Inc. by the Chesapeake Bay Gateway Network, National Park Service.
Placed ByMaryland Department of Housing and Community Development
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Date Added Tuesday, February 24th, 2015 at 1:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 368367 N 4250645
Decimal Degrees38.39435000, -76.50735000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 23.661', W 76° 30.441'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 23' 39.66" N, 76° 30' 26.46" W
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Area Code(s)410, 301
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 10545 Mackall Rd, Saint Leonard MD 20685, US
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