Roman Wall and Defense Towers: Carrer del Correu Vell

Roman Wall and Defense Towers: Carrer del Correu Vell (HM2MQ0)

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N 41° 22.893', W 2° 10.782'

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 (Catalan:) Llenç de mur i dues
de les torres quadrangulars pertanyents l
segon recinte emmurallat de Barcino (segle IV dC). Al segle XIV,
es va construir sobre
aquest tram de muralla la casa de la família March.

(Spanish:) Lienzo de muro y dos
de las torres cuadrangulares pertenecientes al segundo recinto
amurallado de Barcino (siglo IV d.C.). En el
siglo XIV, se construyó
sobre este tramo de
muralla la casa de la
familia March.

(English:) A portion of the wall and two quadrangular towers of the second enclosing wall of Barcino (4th century AC). In 14th century, over this portion of the wall, it was constructed the March family palace.
HM NumberHM2MQ0
Placed ByAjuntament de Barcelona, Museu d'Historia de Barcelona
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, November 7th, 2019 at 10:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)30T E 568589 N 4581438
Decimal Degrees41.38155000, -2.17970000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 41° 22.893', W 2° 10.782'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds41° 22' 53.58" N, 2° 10' 46.92" W
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