Frequently Asked Questions : Markers

What does it mean to adopt a marker listing?

When you adopt a historical marker listing at Historical Marker Project you are adopting the listing only, not the actual marker.

After you adopt a marker listing, you will be the administrator of the listing as it appears on the Historical Marker Project website. You will be able to make changes to the listing information, upload pictures, etc. All details about the marker listing as it appears on the Historical Marker Project website will be controlled by you.

Adopting a marker listing is not affiliated with or part of the agency responsible for the actual historical marker.

I saw a marker listing earlier and now I can't find it. Is there an easy way to find it?

Yes, if you are a member. Each time you view a marker listing it is stored into your account. You can see the marker listings that you viewed by going to your My Account page. On this page you will see the five most recently viewed marker listings. To see more, click the View Entire List link. Marker listings that you view are kept for thirty days. To keep a marker listing indefinitely, save the marker listing as a Favorite, or Like it.

How do I add a picture to the marker listing?

To add a picture, you will need to be the administrator of the listing, or you can email the pictures to the listing administrator.

If the marker listing is available to adopt, and you would like to adopt it, then you would become the administrator of the listing, and would then be able to upload picture(s) for the listing. If you would rather not adopt the listing, you can send the picture to us and we will add the picture for you.

Adopting a listing only means that you maintain the listing here at the Historical Marker Project website, not the actual marker itself.

If you are the adopter of the marker listing, then to add a picture, click the "Picture Manager" button located just above the title of the marker on the marker listing edit page.

To easiest way to get to the marker listing edit page is to load the marker listing page and if you are the adopter of the marker listing there will be an "edit" link beneath the title and to the right.

You can also get to the marker edit page by clicking your username (near the top and right of every page). On the drop down menu, click "My Account". Then click "Markers", and then on that drop down menu click "All My Markers". Then click on the marker listing you wish to edit.