The High Street or "Common" School was Gettysburg's first consolidated public school building. Prior to its erection in 1857 classes were held in individual buildings, often the home of the teacher.
Like the rest of the town's public facilities the school became a hospital on July 1, 1863, when Union wounded began arriving from the battlefield. By evening it housed Union and Confederate casualties, separated by floors.
The school building was well suited for the task but the location was exposed to the constant fighting between skirmish lines in front of Cemetery Hill. The result was unnerving, but not life threatening. Pvt. Justus Sillman of the 17th Connecticut Infantry recalled, "bullets . . . rattling against our hospital, making a great racket."
At the battle's end a Union soldier, hiding in the school's bell cupola since being cut off during the retreat on July 1st, emerged to enjoy his first meal in three days.
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