Tribute to John Riley

Tribute to John Riley (HM1PPX)

Location: Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal 01000
Country: Mexico
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N 19° 20.681', W 99° 11.571'

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En homenaje alHeroico Batallón de San Patricio, queluchó por México durante la Guerra de1846-1848, se obsequía este busto enhonor de su liderComandante John Rileycomo una muestra de amistad delPueblo de Irlanda al Pueblo de Méxicoen el marco de su Bicentenario y del Centenario de su Revolución. Develado por elExcmo. Sr. Eamon Hickey, Embajadorde Irlanda en México. Esculpido por los Mtros. Lorenzo Rafael y Miguel G. Counahan. 10 de Septiembre de 2010Ar dheis Dé go raibh a Anam dilisEnglish translation:In tribute to the heroic Saint Patrick's Battalion that fought for Mexico during the War of 1846-1848, this bust is given in honor of its leaderJohn Rileyas a memento of friendship between the people of Ireland and the people of Mexico during her Bicentennial and the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution. Dedicated by His Excellency Eamon Hickey, Ambassador of Ireland in Mexico. Sculpted by the masters Lorenzo Rafael and Miguel G. Counahan. September 10, 2010May his soul be seated at God's right hand
Year Placed2010
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, December 1st, 2015 at 9:02pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 479744 N 2138977
Decimal Degrees19.34468333, -99.19285000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 19° 20.681', W 99° 11.571'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds19° 20' 40.86" N, 99° 11' 34.26" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling North
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 13 San Jacinto, Ciudad de México Distrito Federal 01000, MX
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