Pedestrian Bridge over the Templo Mayor

Pedestrian Bridge over the Templo Mayor (HM23OD)

Location: Centro, Ciudad de México 06000
Country: Mexico
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N 19° 26.096', W 99° 7.925'

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Puente Sobre el Templo MayorEste puente atraviesa 700 años de historia de la Ciudad de México. Vas a entrar al corazón del que fuera el Recinto Sagrado de Tenochitlan, una de las ciudades más importantes del mundo antigio. Este espacio público ha sido creado para que aprecies la
excepcionalidad del Templo Mayor.


Pedestrian Bridge over the Templo Mayor
This bridge spans 700 years of Mexico City history. You're about to enter what was the holiest shrine in Tenochtitlan, one of the major cities of the ancient world. This public space has been created so you can appreciate the shrine's uniqueness.
Seamos respetuosos
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HM NumberHM23OD
Series This marker is part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization series
Placed ByInstituto Nacional de Arqueología e Historia (INAH)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, December 11th, 2017 at 4:02pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 486134 N 2148958
Decimal Degrees19.43493333, -99.13208333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 19° 26.096', W 99° 7.925'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds19° 26' 5.76" N, 99° 7' 55.5" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling West
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 30 República de Guatemala, Centro Ciudad de México 06000, MX
Alternative Maps Google Maps, MapQuest, Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps, MSR Maps, OpenCycleMap, MyTopo Maps, OpenStreetMap

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