Urquhart the Defiant

Urquhart the Defiant (HM2CQP)

Location: , Scotland IV63 6XL Highland
Country: United Kingdom
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N 57° 19.424', W 4° 26.563'

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Urquhart the Defiant

Urquhart was held by some of the most powerful men in medieval Scotland and forged a reputation as a virtually impregnable fortress during the Wars of Independence.
A New Castle
This is the oldest part of the castle, perhaps built in the 1220s by the Durward family. The citadel's stone walls may have sat on earlier Pictish fortifications.
Alan Durward, King Alexander I's capable right-hand man, administered his new estate and met with local leaders in the castle. His presence at Urquhart helped extend royal power into the Highlands.
The Struggle for Scotland
The castle was surrendered to the English in 1296 when the vast army of King Edward I swept through the country. Soon back in Scottish hands, it became renowned as a stronghold that the invaders could not capture by force.
Urquhart had been greatly strengthened before the Wars of Independence by the mighty Comyn family who took it over in the 1270s. The Comyns were staunch supporters of King John Balliol and helped lead the resistance to the English until they were crushed by their rival, Robert the Bruce.
Siege and Sacrifice
Urquhart was besieged by another English army in 1303. Its heroic constable, Alexander de Forbes was slain while leading a

desperate attack on the enemy before the castle walls. King Robert the Bruce recaptured Urquhart in 1308.
( photo captions )
- King Edward I of England
- King John Balliol of Scotland
- Above: Arrowheads unearthed in the castle.
- Above: A replica of a 'knight's jug' with a fragment of the original decorated medieval tableware that was discarded here.
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Date Added Monday, December 10th, 2018 at 10:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)30V E 413124 N 6354344
Decimal Degrees57.32373333, -4.44271667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 57° 19.424', W 4° 26.563'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds57° 19' 25.44" N, 4° 26' 33.78" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling North
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Scotland IV63 6XL, GB
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