North Fork of the San Gabriel River

North Fork of the San Gabriel River (HM2MY)

Location: Georgetown, TX 78633 Williamson County
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N 30° 40.455', W 97° 43.408'

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The North Fork of the San Gabriel River, part of the Brazos River system, flows east across Williamson County to join with the Middle and South forks at Georgetown. Abundant fish and wildlife attracted numerous Indian tribes to the areas along the stream in historic times. Named Rio de San Xavier by Spanish explorer and priest Fray Isidro Felix Espinosa in 1716, it was known as the San Gabriel River by the time Williamson County was created in 1848.

Anglo settlements along the river in the 1800s led to the establishment of four major crossings which took the names of families living at the sites: Booty, Russell (later Jenkins), Box, and Hunt. Located along the stream near the crossings were homes, mills, schools, churches, cemeteries, postal stations, and a gin.

Booty, Russell, and Box Crossings were inundated by the waters of Lake Georgetown, but Hunt Crossing remains above the reservoir. Planned as part of a flood control measure for the Brazos River system, a dam creating Lake Georgetown was completed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1979. The lake and adjoining parks and recreational facilities were opened in 1981.
HM NumberHM2MY
Marker Number9314
Year Placed1988
Placed ByThe Texas Historical Commission
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, September 11th, 2014 at 11:29am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14R E 622282 N 3394196
Decimal Degrees30.67425000, -97.72346667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 30° 40.455', W 97° 43.408'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds30° 40' 27.30" N, 97° 43' 24.48" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)512
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 509-599 Lake Overlook Rd, Georgetown TX 78633, US
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