[East Face]:
to the Memory
The Reverend
Thomas Curtis, D.D.
by his affectionate
devoted pupils.
[West Face]:He was born
May 10, 1797 in the town
of Wisbfach England.
And was lost in the wreck of the
steamer North Carolina,
bound from Baltimore to Norfolk,
Jan'y 29th 1859.
[South Face]:Our teacher,
ever faithful and affectionate,
one of the founders of the adjacent school
for the daughters of South Carolina
and her sister states;
Pastor of the Baptist Church at this place
the Christian Scholar amoung Christian Scholars;
The Preacher and Teacher;
Of original and impressive power;
And the humble Christian Man;
He constantly gave forth
that which he received through the grace of God,
Of the waters of life ????, of the throne
of God and of the lamb;
And thus passed a life distinguished
during a period of fifty years,
in both hemisphere's of the globe,
by the power to conceive
and to sustain great efforts
for the God of man and the glory of God.
[North Face]:"He that overcometh,
and keepeth my works unto the end to
him will I give power over the
nations and he shall rule them
with a rod of iron; as the vessels of
a potter shall they be broken to
shivers: even as I recieved of my Father.
And I will give him the morning star.
Revelations 26-28.
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