East Face:
Our Fallen Patriots
The Price of Liberty
1st Lieut. Andrew A.
Co. I, 198th Reg. P.V.
Killed March 30, 1865
Corp. David W. McKinney
Co. F, 13th Reg. Pa. Cav.
May 7, 1863
J. Anderson Kelso
Co. F. 13th Reg. Pa. Cav.
Cap. July 1863
Died on Bell Island Va.
Nov. 15, 1863
South Face:Erected by
Friends and
1st. Lieut. Thomas B. Mains.
2nd Reg. U.S. Col. Cav.
Killed May 12, 1864
Robert Laughlin
Co. I, 9th Reg. Pa. Cav.
Nov. 22, 1864
Hugh Diehl
Co. G, 21st Reg. Pa. Cav.
Killed Aug. 20. 1864
West Face:Our Trust
Is in God
Sergt. Anson Smith
Co. F. 13th Reg. Pa. Cav.
Died Jan. 7., 1865
Sergt. George C. Traxler
Co. A. 107th Reg. P.V.
Cap. Aug. 19, 1864.
Died at Salisbury, N.C.
William McCleaf,
Co. A. 7th Reg. Pa. Res.
Cap. May 4, 1864.
Died in Ga. Oct. 10, 1864
North Face:God Made
Our Country
Alex. Smith.
Co. D. 130th Reg. P.V.
Killed Sept. 17, 1862
Edwin F. Walker
Co. A, 7th Reg. Pa. Res.
Cap. May 4, 1864,
Died in Ga.
July 28, 1864
David S. Walker
Co. A, 7th Reg. Pa. Res.
Cap. May 4, 1864,
Died in Ga. Nov. 19, 1864
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