Side 1:
The earliest recorded Jewish burials in Columbus were in historic Linwood Cemetery and in the Raphael Moses family cemetery, Esquiline. When the City of Columbus established Riverdale Cemetery in 1890, Temple Israel purchased a piece of this property which became known as the "Jewish Section." City Council notes of October 8, 1891 show that Mr. H. Sternberg, Treasurer of Temple Israel, paid fifty dollars as the first installment for half of Section Two. In 1896, the Ladies Aid Society noted that the Temple voted for a fence to be erected around this section of Riverdale Cemetery.
Side 2:
Two other sections in Riverdale, both owned by the Shearith Israel Congregation, are also set aside for Jewish burials. A brick wall with a wrought iron gate, located on the northeast boundary of the property, marks one of these areas. Within its confines is the Kravtin Garden, given in 1997 in memory of Maurice Kravtin. Temple Israel and Shearith Israel still own and maintain all three Jewish sections. Many generations of prominent Columbus Jewish families are buried here.
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