To the Memory and in honor of
Louis DuBois
Christian Deyo
Abraham Hasbrouck
Andre LeFevre
Jean Hasbrouck
Piere Deyo
Louis Bevier
Anthoine Crespel
Hugo Frere
Issac DuBois
Simon LeFevre
The New Paltz Patentees, who, driven by religious persecution from their native France, exiles for conscience' sake, came to America, after a sojourn in the Rhine Palatinate near Manheim, here established their homes on the banks of the Wallkill, settled the country purchased from the Indians and granted by Patent issued by Governor Edmond Andros on the 29th Day of September, 1677, and nobly bore their part in the creation of our free government.
The Huguenot, Patriotic Historical and Monumental Association of New Paltz erects this Monument, the 29th day of September, 1908.
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