Showing historical markers tagged with World War 1
Showing results 1 to 10 of 3033
In Memoryofthe men who trained hereandthose that made the supremesacrificein the Great World War
World War I and II veterans organized the Glen Allen American Legion Post 244 in 1946. Sheppard Crump, a member of the First Caucus of the American Legion and later the Adjutant General of Virginia was the first Commander. Dr. Alexander McLeod, Wo…
Honoring Our Veterans1754 French and Indian War 1763Reuben Hitchcock · Edward Parker · Ephraim Parker
1775 Revolutionary War 1783Asa Bellamy · Justus Bellamy · Reuben Bellamy · Silas Bellamy · Asa Brons…
Born two miles west April 1891, Arrowood was one of the first American soldiers to be decorated for bravery in World War I. The French government, on Nov. 14, 1917, awarded him the Croix de Guerre for the rescue of several men under his command fr…
Dedicated MDCCCCXXIIIby the citizens of San JuanBautista under the auspices of theSan Juan Bautista ParlorNative Daughters of the Golden Westto theVeterans of the World Warand in memory ofCharles F. Patrickwho died in this conflict.
DedicatedNov. 11, 1932ToThose Who Served In TheArmed Forces Of Our CountryDuring The World War 1917-18ByDisabled American VeteransOf The World War Chapter 8Veterans Of Foreign Wars Post 2336
Established by Captain S. Burbank, first U.S. Infantry, March 27, 1849 as a protection to western communication. Garrisoned by Federal troops until March 20, 1861 and since 1868. Now known as Camp Eagle Pass
In grateful recognition of the valor and devotion of the young men of this community who served in the World War for liberty and justice 1914 - 1919 Adams Fred Leroy · Anderlot William · Bachman George · Beardsley L Ben &mid…
Originally a filtration plant constructed in 1912, this building was remodeled and enlarged to become the Post Exchange Building in 1923. All incoming or outgoing calls, whether emergency or routine, would pass through the Post switchboard housed …
Dedicated to the memory of the
brave men from Shelby County who
gave their lives that freedom and justice
should not perish from the earth
World War I 1917-1918
List of WWI dead
World War II 1941-1945
List of WWII dead
Korean War 1950-1953