You searched for City|State: annapolis, md
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"St. Clair Wright said many times that Historic Annapolis accomplished more in the eight years I was mayor than in any other period. That makes me feel awfully good."
Roger "Pip" Moyer, 2002.
Historic preservation in Annapolis entailed a drama…
"Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theatre of action."
After the 1781 victory at Yorktown, some Americans thought the triumphant General George Washington should be crowned the new nation's first king. But Washin…
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."
With these ringing words of resolve, the signers of the Declar…
Light House Bistro serves the community as a gathering place for patrons from all walks of life. This Artwork by Sally Wern Comport pays tribute to the area's history and the people that make it special. The Presidents Hill neighborhood is named f…
Cadet West Point 1832-6; Lieutenant U.S. Army 1836-7; Professor of Mathematics U.S.N. 1841—99. Brigadier General U.S.V. 1861-5; Naval Academy 1845-61 and 1866-71.
One of the founders of the Naval Academy, his life's best years were devot…
In Honor of American Prisoners of War and their Sacrifice and Service to our Nation
The oldest military monument in the United States honors heroes of the War against the Barbary Coast Pirates, the new republic's first war. In 1804, President Jefferson ordered the nation's tiny naval force to the Mediterranean to protect the expa…
In the memory of Somers, Caldwell, Decatur, Wadsworth, Dorsey, Israel.
The love of Glory inspired them, Fame has crowned their deeds, History records the event. The Children of Columbia admire and Commerce laments their fall.
Erected in the me…
was destroyed and sunk
in the Delaware River,
by Col. Smith's American Battery
October 23rd, A.D. 1777
This Cannon is one of the sixty four.
These anchors known as "Old Fashioned" anchors were made for our Navy's first armored cruiser "New York" the flagship of Rear Admiral William T. Sampson during the Spanish-American War and weigh approximately 10,500 lbs.