You searched for City|State: annapolis, md
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A New England native, sailor Arnie Gay steered into the Annapolis harbor on the wooden schooner Delilah in the late 1940s with $7.00 n his pocket and an enthusiasm to bring a sailing empire to the City's neglected and abandoned waterfront. He open…
(Left side of the marker) Much of the early history of Thomas Point still lies buried under sand and water at its ever-eroding shoreline. Evidence does exist, however, that Native Americans enjoyed the bounty of the Bay's seafood sometime between …
The Chesapeake Bay is one of the largest and one of the most productive estuaries in the world. Fresh water, supplied by over 150 rivers and streams, and salt water from the Atlantic Ocean combine to create the unique conditions and essential nutr…
Admiral, United States Navy February 26, 1882-May 14, 1968. Commander-in-Chief, United States Fleet when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
The Chesapeake Bay's native Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) is the keystone species and building block for habitat in the Bay (shown in picture below). The survival rate and diversity of other Bay organisms are directly connected to the abu…
British vessels anchored offshore several times in 1813 and 1814, giving Annapolis good reason to expect an attack. Lookouts watched enemy maneuvers from the statehouse dome. Public records were removed from the city for safekeeping. When British …
Enemy ships lying off Sandy Point kept Annapolis on edge in August 1813, as the city braced for attack.
It was a trying time for the British, too. A newspaper reported August 14: "Seven deserters came on shore at Sandy Point." It was n…
Fort Severn and Fort Madison on this stretch of the Severn River, along with a gun battery at Horn Point in Eastport, made Annapolis the best-fortified city in Maryland at the start of the War of 1812.
British ships hovered near the harbor severa…
Across the road stood the three mile oak under which General George Washington passed on his way to Annapolis December 19, 1783 to resign his commission as Commander in Chief of the Continental Armies. According to tradition, General Smallwood, Ge…
The 1718 Stoddert survey map indicates William Bladen as the first recorded owner of lot 42. Charles Carroll purchased the property in 1725 and may have been responsible for the construction of the original side hall, double parlor plan when he an…