You searched for City|State: carolina shores, nc
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South CarolinaFormed in 1712 from part of Carolina, which was chartered in 1663, it was first settled by the English in 1670. One of the 13 original states.
North CarolinaColonized, 1585-87, b first English settlers in America; permanently sett…
North Carolina. Colonized, 1585-87, by first English settlers in America; permanently settled c. 1650; first to vote readiness for Independence, Apr. 12, 1776.
South Carolina. Formed in 1712 from pat of Carolina, which was chartered in 1663, it…
The road from New England to Charleston, over which mail was first carried regularly in North Carolina, 1738-39, passed near this spot.
Commissioners met here to run boundary in 1764. Popular stop for colonial travelers. Ruins used to establish present state line in 1928. Located 2? mi. S.E.