You searched for City|State: culpeper, va
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National Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher Eppa Rixey was born on May 3, 1891. Rixey played for the Philadelphia Phillies (NL) and the Cincinnati Reds (NL) during a career that spanned 21 years. He was nicknamed "Jeptha" by a sportswriter who liked th…
Confederate cavalry chief Gen. J.E.B. Stuart and Maj. John Pelham, the commander of Stuart's Horse Artillery, frequented the Virginia House Hotel and often visited the Shackelford family across the street. A warm friendship developed between 24-ye…
Home of Judge John Williams Green. Judge Green entertained Lafayette here on August 22, 1825.
The area to the south was the center of commerce in the early 1900's. It was here that retail shops, repair shops, hardware stores, restaurants, hotels and services flourished. In this era, blacks owned and operated nearly half the businesses in t…
During the winter of 1863-64, Federal officers quartered in many of Culpeper's homes. The surrounding landscape was dotted with tents and huts for ten square miles as nearly 100,000 soldiers encamped. Gen. U.S. Grant, commander of all Federal armi…
Following the Gettysburg Campaign, Federal officials sought to verify rumors that a substantial part of Gen. Robert E. Lee's Confederate army had been detached. On September 13, 1863, Federal cavalry moved down the tracks from your left, under ord…
Just to the south stood Catalpa, where John Strode Barbour was born on 29 Dec. 1820. In 1849, he was appointed the state's representative on the board of directors of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. The board elected him president in 1851 and …
On the hill to the south the famous Culpeper Minute Men were organized in 1775. John Marshall, later chief Justice of the Supreme Court, was a Lieutenant.
On 10 October 1863 Confederate cavalry cormmanded by Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart engaged Unioncavalry and infantry under Brig. Gen. H. JudsonKilpatrick and Maj. Gen. William H. French atJames City (present-day Leon). The two forcesconfronted each othe…
On October 10, 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, anticipating an offensive that became known as the Bristoe Station Campaign, sent a division of Confederate horsemen led by Gen. J.E.B. Stuart north from Madison on a raid.
Confederate Gen. J…