You searched for City|State: darlington, pa
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Built in 1840 by Reverend Arthur B. Bradford, descendant of William Bradford of the Mayflower. Powerful abolishinist, consul to China, prolific author, minister, and a founder of the Free Presbyterian Church. Many famous abolishinists met here in …
Built by Thomas Sprott in 1804 on land granted him in 1802 by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Named "Sprotts Delight," it overlooked the borough of Greersburg, laid out on the lands of Sprott, Greer, and Martin.
First permanent structure of Mount Pleasant Presbyterian church. Structure built in 1808. The church and site was purchased by John McCowin in 1861 and remodeled into a home. Property purchased by Sarah E. Seanor in 1909 and still owned by her heirs.
Site of one of the first mills built on the Little Beaver River. Erected by Robert and Mary McMinn in 1796-1797. Mary was said to be the first white woman to settle in the Darlington area following the treaty with the Indians in 1795.
Established with funds collected by Reverend Thomas E. Hughes erected 1802 chartered 1806 by the Pennsylvania State Legislature as Greersburg Academy ratifying it the first academy west of the Allegheny Mountains.
Reverend Thomas E Hughes recognizing the need for a school for the frontier obtained approval and full support from the Erie Presbytery April 13, 1802 to construct a building and form a seminary. He proceeded to build the so called stone pile and …
Formerly Greersburg 1804-1830. Second Borough in the County 1820. First Presbyterian Church 1797. First Free Presbyterian Church 1847. First Greersburg Academy 1802. First lighted Polo Field in United States 1938. Important relay and supply statio…
First site of the church where Reverend Thomas E. Hughes was ordained August 28, 1799 First Communion service north of the Ohio River September 1, 1799 The Erie Presbytery organized at this location April 13, 1802.