Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: downs, ks

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Located two miles west and a mile north of Downs, on level ground between Dry and Twelve Mile Creeks is the site of the 1871 homestead of Henry Ise. In 1873, Henry married seventeen year old Rosa Haag of Holton, Kansas and brought her west to live…
To the brave men and womenand hapless children wholived on these prairiesbefore the coming of therailroad, July 27, 1879, andespecially to those who lieburied here, this memorial ishumbly dedicated
In memory of theunknown who diedin defense of theircountry 1861-65
This propertyhas been placed on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior Preservation of this propertyhas been assisted by theKansas Heritage Trust FundKansas State Historical Society In appreciati…
In 1879 the Central Branch of the Union Pacific Railroad designated a site on the homesteads of John Beal, Harriet Delay, and Azariah and Marinda Blunt as their new division point. The town of Downs was named for railroad superintendent Major Will…
Dedicated to those who foughtfor their country in World War 1.The only monument to "The War toEnd All Wars" in Osborne County.Cornerstone laid July 27, 1922Opened February 15, 1923.
This propertyhas been placedon theNationalRegister ofHistoric Placesby the United StatesDepartment of theInterior