You searched for City|State: eastchester, ny
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Eastchester - Tuckahoe - BronxvilleCongressional Medal of Honor MemorialThis memorial is erected to honor the memory and courageof the soldiers, sailors and airmen of our commumitywho valiantly sacrificed their lives forfellow soldiers and their c…
Gold Star MothersMemorialThis memorial is erectedTo keep in honored and prayerful memoryall Gold Star Mothers whose children served and diedin wars for this great nation.Dedicated September 24, 2006Supervisor Anthony S. ColavitaCouncilwoman Vicki …
Memorial ParkIn Memory of Those Who Made the Supreme SacrificeIn The Defense of Our CountryThe United States of Eastchester AmericaDedicated October 23, 1972 [ small plaque ]Presented To ThePeople of Eastchesterby thePresident of the United State…