You searched for City|State: eatontown, nj
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Dedicated to the members ofEatontown Fire Co.Who served in World War II
* Russell Elgrim * Joseph J. Finnthe names of 31 members who served follow the two names of those killed during the war
Dedicated to the gallant men and women ofthe United States Armed Forces whoparticipated in the "Battle of the Bulge,"fought in Belgium and Luxembourg duringWorld War II. The greatest battle ever engagedin by the United States Army lasted from 16De…
Dedicated to theFort MonmouthSoldiers and CiviliansWho deployed and foughtworldwide, and to thefamilies who kept thehome fires burning bright.
Operation Just Cause19 Dec 89 - 12 Jan 90
Operation Desert Storm12 Aug 90 -
At this place did oneThomas Eatonbuild a grist mill1670