You searched for City|State: front royal, va
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Confederate Army of 16,000 under General Stonewall Jackson overwhelmed a Federal outpost of 1,000 under Colonel John R. Kenly. The Confederates approached Front Royal undetected from southwest on the afternoon of May 23. Spy Belle Boyd gave the ad…
This mountain pass was of strategic importance throughout the Civil War. Union and Confederate forces occupied and traversed it on numerous occasions. The first significant use of the gap occurred July 7-18, 1862, as Gen. Nathaniel Bank's corps of…
(Preface): After Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's stunning victory at Chancellorsville in May 1863, he led the Army of Northern Virginia west to the Shenandoah Valley, then north through central Maryland and across the Mason-Dixon Line into Pennsy…
Within the bends of the Shenandoah River below the Indians kept fields burned off as pastures for deer and bison. These fields were "old" to the first white settlers who prized the fertile bottomlands. Today the old fields are sites of modern farms.
An unusual name for an unusual mountain. Totally isolated within the Shenandoah Valley, fifty-mile-long Massanutten Mountain begins and ends abruptly. From here you can see its north end. Called simply "The Massanutten," the mountain today is part…
William E. Carson (1870-1942), the first chairman of Virginia State Commission on Conservation and Development, a local resident, spearheaded the development of the recreational center for use by the people and visitors of Front Royal and Warren C…
"Mosby will hang ten of you for every one of us!"were William Thomas Overby's last words to hisexecutioners before the rope tightened around hisneck here on Richardson's Hill. This was thefinal scene of a tragedy that began less than two hours ear…
Directly in front of you is the "commanding height" where Union Col. John H. Kenly made his last attempt to hold Front Royal. Atop Richardson's Hill—this "cherty" ridge, asGen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jacksoncalled it—Kenly posted the tw…
As Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson's army pushed its way into Front Royal, Col. Bradley T. Johnson's 1st Maryland Infantry (CSA) confronted Col. John R. Kenly's 1st Maryland Infantry (US). The street fighting grew especially hot here, between t…
Stonewall Jackson, Moving against Banks, captured this town from a Union force under Colonel Kenly, May 23, 1862.