You searched for City|State: front royal, va
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This stone structure, known as Fairview, was the home of Thomas McKay. On this site Union Col. John R. Kenly rallied the 1st Maryland Infantry (USA) for a last stand as the Confederates approached. Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson had ordered Co…
In Aug. 1864, part of Confederate Lt. Gen. Richard H. Anderson's corps threatened the left of Union Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan's army. As Brig. Gen. Wesley Merritt's division approached on 15 Aug. to protect the Federal flank. Anderson ordered B…
On 23 Sept. 1864 in a fight south of town, some of Lt. Col. John S. Mosby's Rangers mortally wounded Lt. Charles McMaster, 2nd U. S. Cavalry, after he allegedly surrendered. Union Gen. Alfred T. A. Torbert's cavalrymen retaliated by executing six …
On May 23, 1862, Front Royal was occupied by 1000 Federal troops (1st Maryland Infantry, 29th Pennsylvania and a battery of Knap's Artillery) under the command of Col. J. R. Kenley
In the early afternoon Confederate Gen. T. J. "Stonewall" Jacks…
During the Civil War, Front Royal, a "cross-roads town" of fewer than 600 residents, was the economic center of Warren County. One soldier described the town as "...quite rural. The principal objects of interest are two small churches and the town…
The First Maryland Regiment, U.S.A., was part of the force holding this town when it was attacked by Stonewall Jackson, May 23, 1862. With Jackson was the First Maryland Regiment, C.S.A. The two regiments were arrayed against each other.
May 23, 1862, General Jackson surprised General Banks' forces in and around Front Royal, capturing many prisoners and army supplies and forcing Banks to flee in disorder out of the Shenandoah Valley into Maryland. This was the first move in Jackso…