You searched for City|State: hanska, mn
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Lake Hanska Pioneer
A Tribute to Ole Synsteby 1856 - 1942
Ole Synsteby was born in Lesja, Gulbrandsdalen, Norway. In the summer of 1873, the Synsteby family migrated to the Lake Hanska area. In 1879 Ole purchased the land which is now de…
This structure is a replica of many such stabburs found in Norway. There are several variations. "Stabbur" translated means store house.Benefactors: James & Ferdi Amundson estate.
These Lake Hanska farmers were descendants of Norwegian immigran…
1917 · 1918That freedom, law and justicemight be established thruout the Earth This monument is erected in honorof the men of Hanska and vicinity who answeredtheir country's call in the World War.
Oscar O. Haugen · John Thordson &…
This memorial is dedicated to the memory of John Armstrong pioneer of Linden Township, in 1857 he represented this part of Brown County as its first Territorial County Supervisor (Commissioner) and later became Linden Township's first townclerk.
In 1854 Ole and Guri Sorbel immigrated to Rock County Wisconsin from Hallingdal, Norway. In 1856 they settled to your right on the northwest bank of Lake Linden. On September 21, 1876, Bob, Cole and Jim Younger and Charlie Pitts received breakfast…
In 1899, the Iowa and Minnesota Land & Townsite Company circulated a petition to locate a railroad station in Lake Hanska Township. The petition was signed by 77 people and on October 9, 1899 the village of Hanska was platted in section 24 by Harr…
The Sioux Indians called this lake "minne hanska," meaning "long water." The basin of the lake was formed 11,000 to 15,000 years ago by the Wisconsin glacier; the original hard clay bottom is now about 50 feet below the present surface of the wate…
This log cabin was built about 1857 by the Omsrud/Thordson and Torgrimson families, immigrants from Valdres, Norway. It originally stood on the Thord Omsrud farm on the shores of Omsrud Lake. The cabin was moved to this site in 1986 by the Omsrud-…