You searched for City|State: harrisburg, pa
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On February 22, 1861, while journeying to Washington for his Inauguration, Lincoln stopped at the Jones House, on this site. From the portico of the hotel, he addressed a large crowd gathered in Market Square.
With its roots dating to 1794 and having evolved from the earlier Paxton Presbyterian Church east of the city in what would become Paxtang, the Presbyterian Church of Harrisburg originally met in rooms of the old jail, on Walnut Street, and in the…
On this site for nearly 180 years stood a two and a-half story brick building with ties to local, state and national history. Initially the home of early settler John Frey, the house was sold in 1817 to a noted clockmaker, Frederick Heisley, whose…
Standing on land granted for religious purposes in 1785 by John Harris, this church was erected, 1822. It replaced one built of logs in 1787, the first church structure in present-day Harrisburg.
The first official Governor's residence stood at this site. Purchased in 1858, it housed only two governors. Packer and Curtin. It was sold in 1864 when the second official residence which became "Keystone Hall," was acquired.
The current era of hostelries in Harrisburg can be defined as having begun in 1965 with the construction of the Holiday Inn Town, now The Crowne Plaza. Prior to that time, the Harrisburger and Penn-Harris Hotels, at Third and Locust and Third and …
1906 was a banner year in Harrisburg for the construction of major buildings. The new State Capitol Building was completed that year and two "book-end" office structures were developed on Market Square. One was the eight-story Union Trust Building…
When it opened amidst regalia and fanfare in the fall of 1990, the Hilton Harrisburg and Towers reclaimed Harrisburg's traditional role as Central Pennsylvania's primary destination for the lodging and conference industry. Although plans for a maj…
On this site, the southeast corner of Second and Market Streets on Market Square, stood the Jones House, a mid-Nineteenth Century Hotel, which later evolved into the larger Commonwealth Hotel and later, the Dauphin Building. It was here that Abrah…
In memory of more than 300,000 soldiers of the Civil War. The flower of the nation's youth and the maturity of her manhood, who passed into and out of this camp to the field of battle. A united country enjoys the fruits of their victory for libert…