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One of ten small forts protecting City Point docks and Gen. Grant's Headquarters from Confederate raiders 1864-65.
From November 1864 through March 1865, Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant lived in this modest cabin. From here he directed Union armies in the climactic final campaigns of the war and hosted some of the notable figures of the era: President and Mrs. Linco…
General Grant's headquarters at Appomattox Manor 1864-65 during the siege of Petersburg and Richmond. President Lincoln spent 3 weeks in City Point during April, 1865.
The fort behind you is all that remains of the inner defense line built by the Union army in 1864 to protect its base headquarters at City point. With a powerful fleet of ironclads and gunboats controlling the James River and a numerically superio…
Ordered to take Petersburg, Gen. William F. "Baldy" Smith directed Gen. Edward W. Hinks' division of African American soldiers to move from City Point toward the Cockade City. Hinks encountered unexpected Confederate resistance at Baylor's Farm in…