You searched for City|State: johnstown, ny
Showing results 1 to 10 of 44
Moved here about 1788. Lot formerly Sir WM Johnson's. Village called John's Town. Younglove home 1812-1926. D.A.R. Chapter House 1926
Bridge Here Destroyed13 Onlookers Swept AwayOnly 8 Survive Upon Failure ofShriver's Mill Dam
Rev. War Veteran 1747-1821 expert tanner, began first glove shop behind home on this site 1808. - Founded Fulton Co. leather industry
2013Fort JohnstownBuilt 1774 as Colonial JailRev. War Civil-Military HQ.Inspected by Lafayette 1778Capt. John Littel CommandedDuring Oct. 1781 Ross RaidSupervisors &JTown Hist Soc
Important frontier civiland military prison duringrevolution. Inspected byWashington in 1783
Birthplace of ElizabethCady Stanton, 1815 - 1902Pioneer of Women's RightsA Leader in the Women'sSuffrage Movement.George E. Pataki, Governor
1815 - 1902Pioneer For Women's RightsWas Born in Cady Home LocatedOn This SiteErected By New York State Education DepartmentAnd Johnstown Chapter, D.A.R.1937Rededicated Sep. 18, 1975
This tablet marks the site ofthe battle fought in The Warof the American RevolutionOctober 25th 1781,and was erected byThe Johnstown Chapter DARAugust 31st 1901 Charter DayThus we show to Succeeding generationsthat we honor our heroic dead
Baronial home of Sir William Johnson. One of the most historic colonial buildings in the United States.
Sir William Johnson (1715-1774) came from Ireland in 1738 to administer his uncle's lands in the Mohawk Valley. Johnson became a planter, trader, military officer, land speculator, statesman, Indian agent and churchman. He built a store to trade w…