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Page 17 of 19 — Showing results 161 to 170 of 188
Major Gen. George B. McClellan, Commanding.(September 15, 1862.)On the morning of September 15, 1862, the Army of the Potomac pursued the retreating Confederates from South Mountain: Pleasonton's cavalry, the Second, First, and Twelfth Corps by Tu…
Delaware2nd Delaware VolunteersCapt. David L. Stricker3rd Brigade, 1st Division, II CorpsThis regiment of Richardson's reservebrigade crossed Antietam Creek, advancedwith division and came under heavyartillery fire while holding positionimmediatel…
U.S.A.Second Army Corps,Brooke's Brigade, Richardson's DivisionCol. John R. Brooke, 53rd Pennsylvania Infantry.commanding.organization.2nd Delaware Infantry,52nd New York Infantry,57th New York Infantry,66th New York Infantry,53d Pennsylvania Infa…
U.S.A.Second Army Corps.Caldwell's Brigade, Richardson's Division.Brig. General John C. Caldwell, Commanding.Organization5th New Hampshire, 81st Pennsylvania, 7th, 61st,and 64th New York Infantry.(September 17, 1862)Caldwell's Brigade relieved Mea…
U.S.A.Second Army CorpsMeagher's Brigade, Richardson's Division,Brig. Gen. Thomas F. Meagher, CommandingOrganization29th Massachusetts Infantry63rd New York Infantry69th New York Infantry88th New York InfantrySeptember 17, 1862
Meagher's Brigad…
U.S.A.Richardson's Division, Second Army Corps,Maj. Gen. Israel B. Richardson, commandingSeptember 17, 1862.
Richardson's Division crossed the Antietam at Pry's Ford about 9:30 a.m. and advanced to the ravine behind the high ground overlooking …
C.S.A.Anderson's Division, Longstreet's CommandMaj. Gen. R.H. Anderson Commanding.(September 17, 1862)
Anderson's Division comprising the brigades of Cumming, Wright, Pryor, Mahone, Featherstone, and Armistead crossed the Potomac at Blackford's…
(Front):Antietam132nd PennsylvaniaVolunteer Infantry1 Brigade 3 Division 2 CorpsSeptember 17, 1862
(Back):Casualtiesat AntietamKilled 30Wounded 114Missing 3Total 152
Battles Participated inAntietam MD.Sept. 17, 1862
Fredericksburg VA.Dec.…
Brigadier GeneralGeorge B. AndersonC.S.A.mortally wounded235 yards S. SW.
(Front):Ohio8th RegimentOhio Volunteer InfantryLieut. Col. Franklin Sawyer1st Brigade Gen. Nathan Kimball3rd Division Gen. W. H. French2nd Corps, Gen. Edwin V. SumnerArmy of the Potomac
On this field Ohio's sons sacrificedlife and health for on…