You searched for City|State: lawrenceburg, in
Showing results 1 to 10 of 18
Built 1879
Original Design by Archibald M. Kennedy and Sons
Additional Structural Supports added in the early 1900s to sustain heavier loads produced by Guilford's rail commerce
Moved from Yorkridge Rd to park in 1960
Damaged by fire …
Erected 1821 by early settlers as a Methodist Church on land donated by John Ewbank. Services were held continuously for more than 125 years. Maintained by endowment fund.
Born in Lawrenceburg, became a famous engineer who built the Eads Bridge arched over the Mississippi at St. Louis and jetties at New Orleans. During the Civil War President Lincoln commissioned him to design and build ironclad gunboats for the Uni…
Birthplace of two Indiana Governors. Albert Gallatin Porter, eighteenth Governor (1881-1885), born here April 20, 1824, died Indianapolis, May 3, 1897; and Winfield Taylor Durbin, twenty-fourth Governor (1901-1905), born here May 4, 1847, died And…
Army Captain Samuel Colville Vance was a surveyor for the United States government living in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1802 he purchased all the land comprising the original town of "Lawrenceburgh." At that time the land was part of Hamilton County, Oh…
- - -( Center Section )- - -( Center - Memorial )+ + + THE PRICE OF FREEDOM + + +Dedicated in Honor of All men and womenwho have served in the Armed Forces andSacrificed Unselfishly for the Freedom of the United States of America
( Left - Memor…
Honor RollIn Grateful remembrance of the boys of Dearborn County who gave their lives in the World War 1917 - 1918.
Erected by the Citizens of Dearborn County, Indiana
Walter Ahrens · Henry Fred Amm · Elmer Andrews · Hob…
In God We TrustIn Grateful remembrance of the men of Dearborn County who gave their lives in the Vietnam War, erected by the Citizens of Dearborn County, Indiana.
Honor Roll, first column:William Omer Burkett · Thomas Denning · La…
For God and CountryThis tablet is erected in honor of the men whoanswered their country'scall and gave their livesfor freedom
In Honor of the Soldiers ofthe American Revolutionburied in Dearborn County
Their names are recorded in theCounty Auditor's OfficeBook 29 - Page 250.