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On July 18, 1863, Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan and his Confederate raiders rode through Bashan on their way to Buffington Island. At the Old Bashan Church crossroads, they encountered a funeral party. Morgan stopped his column and, out of re…
General John Hunt Morgan led 2,00O Confederate cavalrymen into Meigs County on July 18, 1863, during a 45-day raid north of the Ohio River. In pursuit, Union forces under Gen. James M. Shackelford and Col. Frank L. Wolford deployed near Bashan …
On Sunday morning, July 19, 1863, Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan led the remainder of his tired and weary Confederate raiders out of the whirlwind of Buffington Island. Colonel Basil Duke stayed behind with a small force to delay the advanc…
Confederate Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan and his raiders arrived in Chester around 1 pm on July 18, 1863, after a grueling ride across Meigs County. Knowing that Union forces were close behind, Morgan expected an attack at any moment. Cr…