You searched for City|State: panaca, nv
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This steam engine powered a portable sawmill in the Clover Valley Mountains of Lincoln County. Brought to the West in the late 1860s by William and O.P. Sherwood of Pioche, the engine changed hands several times during its half century of operatio…
The large and constant flow of sweet, warm water from this spring makes possible the desert oasis of Meadow Valley. First noted by Manley's ill-fated Death Valley Party in 1849, the site was cultivated in 1858 by Brigham Young's White Mountain Mis…
This building, popularly known as the Panaca Co-op, was constructed of adobe in 1868, by the (Mormon) "Panaca Cooperative Mercantile Institution" comprising more than one hundred stock holders — to meet barter, merchandising, and marketing n…
Southern Nevada's first permanent settlement and perhaps one of its most unique, was settled as a Mormon colony by Francis C. Lee and others in 1864. Poor in resources but rich in people, Panaca has changed but slowly down through the years. Altho…
Oldest building in Lincoln County, constructed in 1867-1868 of adobe from the swamps west of town.
Built as a Mormon chapel, used also as a school and recreation hall, it is typical of the development in small Mormon pioneer communities in the…