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In June 1864, Gen. U.S. Grant began to confine Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia within the Richmond and Petersburg defenses. The South Side R.R., connecting Petersburg and Lynchburg, and the Richmond and Danville R.R. supplied Lee's …
This battery fell to the Union forces on June 15, 1864.
Buried with his parents are Josiah Jordan, his wife, Mary and four of their children - Watson, 10 months, Laura, 3 years, Charles, 4 months, and Lemuel, 24 years.
This land was Josiah's farm at the time of the siege.
"The campaign became quite scientific, so that after the first few weeks, we learned to tell by the sound the nature of every missile that passed over us, and knew which ones to dodge. The mortar shells had the most terror for us. The ordinary fie…
On the ground before you the first major attacks against Petersburg occurred. This bloodletting marked the beginning of nine months of siege.
This 0.6-mile trail will take you through Battery 5 of the Confederate Dimmock Line, captured by the F…
"I would not believe before I came here that man was capable of enduring so much."-Lawrence Bradley, 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery
If Petersburg fell, the Confederate capital at Richmond would fall too. Grant knew it; Lee knew it. And for nine mont…
"Every tree, stump, and fence has disappeared? What was once verdant is now a wasteland of dust and dirt." - John Haley, 17th Maine Infantry January 26, 1865
The gentle depression in front of you is the only vestige of the Josiah Jordon House. …
On June 15, 1864, after seizing Battery 5, Union troops swept southward along the Dimmock Line. Men of the 1st and 22nd Colored Troops captured Battery 8, overcoming heavy resistance from part of Brig. Gen. Henry A. Wise's Virginia brigade. By the…
"At that hour, Petersburg was clearly at the mercy of the Federal commander, who had all but captured it." - Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard, CSA Confederate Commander, June 15, 1864
"Deeming that I held important points of the enemy's line of works, I …
In 1862 - two years before the first Federals appeared at the city's gates - Confederate Captain Charles Dimmock oversaw the construction of a ten-mile line of defensive works ringing Petersburg. In front of you is Battery 5 one of the largest of …