You searched for City|State: prince george, va
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In 1864, the Union Army's plan was to press relentlessly and destroy Lee's Army. On May 4, Grant crossed the Rapidan and started south. Unable to accomplish his objective at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania and Cold Harbor, he nevertheless succeeded i…
Union General Ulysses S. Grant wanted to capture Richmond—capital of the Confederacy. Grant knew that the key to Richmond which was lightly defended by Confederate forces. Failing to take Richmond by approaching from the north, Grant surpris…
On May 4, 1864, the Federal Army crossed the Rapidan River twenty miles west of Fredericksburg. The next day, Confederate General Robert E. Lee's forces struck the Union army in the Wilderness, opening a month-long campaign of nearly nonstop fight…
He laid the foundation of the National Park Service, defining and establishing the policies under which its areas shall be developed and conserved unimpaired for future generations. There will never come an end to the good that he has done.
Erected by the PrinceGeorge Chapter the memory of theConfederate Soldiersof Prince George Co.that their heroic deeds,sublime self-sacrificeand undying devotionto duty and country maynever be forgotten.
Just to the north of the road here, at old Sycamore Church, Wade Hampton, coming from the south, attacked the Union cavalry guarding Grant's beef cattle, September 16, 1864. The Unionists were overpowered; Hampton, rounding up 2,500 beeves, succee…
Weyanoke Indians, part of the Powhatan Chiefdom, occupied Jordan's Point, around two miles north on the James River, when English colonists arrived in 1607. There, about 1620, Samuel Jordan settled; the place was called Jordan's Journey. By 1625, …
Lord Cornwallis, going toward the James in pursuit of Lafayette, passed here, May 24, 1781. A part of Grant's army passed here on the way to Petersburg, June, 1864. The place was occupied by Union troops in 1864-65.
Bailey's Creek is named for Temperance Bailey (ca. 1617-ca. 1652), the daughter of Cicely Bailey and her first husband, whose name is unknown. When he died before Sept. 1620, Temperance inherited 200 acres of land near here at the age of three. He…
As the summer of 1864 ended with Union Gen. U.S. Grant's army still laying siege to Petersburg, Southern sources learned of a large herd of cattle being held at nearby Coggin's Point on the James River. The cattle were grazing at "Beechwood," the …