You searched for City|State: rio de janeiro, rj
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Uma hist?ria de f? A history of faith
[Text in Portuguese: ...]De bra?os abertos sobre a cidade, aben?oando-a, o monumento ao Cristo Redentor, foi inaugurado em 12 outubro de 1931 pelo Presidente Get?lio Vargas e o Cardeal Sebasti?o Leme.
The Venerable and Archiepiscopal Third Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmo [sic]was founded on July 19, 1648.
In 1749, the Order decided to have a new chapel built to practice spiritual exercises more comfortably. But it was only in 1752 that the …
No dia 27 de Octubro de 2002, a Companhia Camaniho A?reo P?o de A??car - CCAPA - compleou 90 anos de servi?os ininteruptos do telef?rico. Esta tecnologia de ponta de engemharia transformou o P?o de A?ucar em um icone nacional de grande orgulho par…
Engenheiro Brasilero que idealisou e realisouo Caminho A?reo1912 - 1913English Translation:The Brazilian Engineer who envisioned and created the aerial tramway.
Together with the Arpoador Rock and Cape, the Fort is part of an important landscape group located between two highly populated neighbourhoods: Copacabana and Ipanema.
Date: inaugurated in 1914 by President Marechal Hermes da Fonseca.Last Resto…
[The text on the right of the marker is in English]:The Environmental Protection Area (APA) of Copacabana and Arpoador Promontories was created by Municipal Law No. 2.087/94 to protect its rocky coast and native plant life species. The APA has the…