You searched for City|State: rock springs, wy
Showing results 1 to 10 of 16
This monument is dedicated to the miners who worked here and especially to those who lost their lives. It is also a monument to the living — those who ave remained and exemplify the men and women whose independent character created this comm…
Unions were established in the Wyoming coal fields for several reasons. In part, they developed due to the dangers found underground in coal mines, the lack of fair wages and the fact that coal companies often controlled a man's life from cradle t…
Named in honor of Edward Deen Eskridge 16, who was lost on Feb. 15, 1963 after a car accident that fatally injured his brother Richard, 15. His last tracks were found about 3 miles down this draw.
This tragedy inspired the founding of the Rock …
From 1910 to 1955, the mines at Reliance produced coal for the Union Pacific Railroad. To staff these mines, people from a variety of countries were hired. During World War II there were not enough mine workers to extract the coal. People were bro…
The tipples constructed here were designed to serve all the Reliance coal mines. Union Pacific Coal Company opened their mines in phases. The coal mines were all located east of here with portals located along the sides of the valley. Coal from th…
Also the Springs
Erected to the memory of
Those Brave Pioneers
Who passed this way
To win and hold
The West
It was in 1910 that coal mine operations began at Reliance. These mines were operated by the coal mining company of the Union Pacific Railroad. Here, where the tipple now stands, the first coal loading facility was constructed in 1912. The stone f…
Before the Transcontinental Railroad connected the East and West coasts of the United States, stage coach lines transported both passengers and mail across the country. Stations along the route functioned as pit stops, where horses - tired and hun…
In 1863, a short distance from here, seven passengers on the Overland Stage were murdered during a robbery. The victims were buried on this hill. James Thompson, a station guard, placed the blame for the crime on the infamous outlaw, Jack Slade.
After the Civil War, the Union Pacific laid track westward, bringing commerce to the wilderness. Establishment of the transcontinental railroad and the communities which sprung up around the railroads helped settle the Territory of Wyoming.