You searched for City|State: salt lake city, ut
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A Moment in Time.Running as fast as the mustang pony could run, Pony Express riders raced across nearly 1900 miles of wilderness carrying the U.S. Mail between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California. With nostrils flaring, lungs gasping …
The foundation work on the Salt Lake Temple was nearing completion and soon would be ready for the granite upper walls. The four day trip from the quarry with oxen-drawn wagons could not possibly provide stone as quickly as it was needed. To exped…
In 1824-26 the first black man came into Utah Territory. He was a trapper for the Rocky Mountain Fur Company. His name was James Beckworth. In succeeding years many black people would follow to contribute to the development of Utah, socially and e…
Commemorating the beginning in America of Modern Irrigation in this vicinity on July 23 and 24, 1847, by the "Mormon" pioneers. —————————————"Encamped near the bank of …
The Primary Association, a children's organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, operated a children's hospital near hear for 30 years, from 1922 to 1952.? Located at 44 West North Temple Street.? Founded by Sarah Louise "Lou…