You searched for City|State: sandston, va
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The Chickahominy Tribe
The Chickahominy Tribe originally lived in permanent villages along the Chickahominy River. The Chickahominy were among the first indigenous people to encounter European settlers. Tribal members helped the s…
A chapel, built in 1772 at Boar Swamp, was used by Elijah Baker to gather people for worship. In 1776 the church was constituted as Boar Swamp Baptist Church, with Joshua Morris as the first pastor. In 1780 Joshua Morris and fourteen members from …
At this location in World War II, the 936th Camouflage Battalion constructed a decoy airfield to protect nearby Byrd Airfield, which was converted to Richmond Army Air Base in May 1943. On 2,400 acres of farmland seized by the federal government, …
Powhatan, the paramount chief of many Virginia Algonquian tribes when the English first landed at Jamestown, lived near here at the town of Orapax, having moved from Werowocomoco in 1609 following conflicts with the English. The English boy Henry …
In November 1916, a group of approximately 100 Danish and Norwegian Americans established the Windsor Community Farm at Elko. The cooperative farm venture led by Frank and Anna Hurop was unprofitable, but members of the settlement stayed and built…
In 1918 as World War I ended, the Seven Pines Bag Loading Plant #3, used for gun powder packing, was dismantled. The federal government sold 600 acres of land, the electric car line, remaining plant buildings, and 230 Aladdin houses, that were ere…
On 26 June 1862, Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan abandoned his plan to besiege Richmond and began his retreat to the James River. Gen. Robert E. Lee pursued, determined to destroy the Army of the Potomac. Just north of here at Allen's Farm, at 9:00 …
Established in 1654 from York and named for County Kent, England. In it are Chestnut Grove, Birthplace of Martha (Dandridge) Custis; White House, home of Martha Custis; Poplar Grove, where Martha Custis met George Washington; St. Peter's church, w…
This was the main road to Williamsburg in early days. Cornwallis, retiring eastward, used this road in June, 1781. The Confederates, retreating westward, passed over it in May, 1862.
In Dec. 1607, while exploring the headwaters of the nearby Chickahominy River, Capt. John Smith and his party were captured by a hunting party consisting of members of the Paspaheghs, Chickahominies, Youghtanunds, Pamunkeys, Mattaponis, and Chiski…