You searched for City|State: stony point, ny
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This tabletis to commemoratethe heroic capture ofthe fortress of Stony Pointby troops of the Light Infantryunder the command ofMaj. Gen. "Mad" Anthony Waynethe night of July 15-16, 1779
Erected by theJewish War Veterans of America, Veterans of …
On this site stood the home of Colonel A. Hawkes Hay - Soldier, Legislator, Confidante of Washington.U.S. Bicentennial
Here the American and French armies, under Generals Washington and Rochambeau, crossed the Hudson River in August 1781 enroute to capture Cornwallis in Yorktown, Va.
N.Y.S. Organization Daughters of the American Revolution
In July 1779, American Light Infantry, under Brigadier General Anthony Wayne, launched a midnight assault, capturing a British Fort and its defenders.
N.Y.S. Organization Daughters of the American Revolution