You searched for City|State: weimar, thüringen
Showing results 1 to 10 of 27
Die vernichtung des Nazismus mit seinen wurzeln ist unsere losung
Der aufbau einer neuen welt des friedens und der freiheit ist unser ziel
The destruction of Nazism and its roots
is ou…
Access to Buchenwald Concentration Camp was initially gained by way of a narrow forest road which had served traffic over Ettersberg Mountain for centuries. Its reconstruction as an eight-metre-wide concrete road began in the summer of 1938. The r…
The barracks of the SS guard detachment, built in 1937/38
Temporary infirmary, April/May 1945
On April 15, 1945, the 120th Evacuation Hospital of the 3rd United States Army arrived in Buchenwald Concentration Camp. Their mission was to give me…
Dog compound of the SS military command headquarters, built in 1938
Hundezwinger des SS-Kommandanturstabes, erbaut 1938
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Measuring three kilometres in length, the asphalt-covered guard path was an important element of the concentration camp surveillance system. At night, after the SS had left the camp, guards patrolled between the twenty-two watchtowers located al…
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Lager sowjetischer kriegsgefangener. Allem völkerrecht zum hohn wurden sowjetische soldaten in Buchenwald gefangengehalten. Neben schwerster arbeit wurden sie grausam…
Site of the camp for Soviet prisoners of war, 1941-1945
Gelände des lagers für sowjetische Kriegsgefangene, 1941-1945
Memorial to murdered Sinti and Romany Gypsies
Denkmal für die ermordete Sinti und Roma
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