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Page 15 of 24 — Showing results 141 to 150 of 237
Using funds from the estate of British scientist Robert Boyle, the College of William & Mary established a school to educate young Indian men in 1697, just four years after the college's founding. To encourage enrollment, in 1711 Lt. Gov. Alexande…
Jamestown island formed many thousands of years ago from a series of shoals along the James River. When colonists arrived in 1607, an isthmus connected the island to the mainland, and a "paradise" of virgin hardwoods covered the land. By 1800, …
The colonists at Jamestown produced most of their own brick and tile locally at each building site. Bricks were used for houses, wells, and walkways; tiles for floors and roofs. Three kilns have been excavated at Jamestown, each producing brick…
The plentiful grape vines in the New World raised hopes of a profitable wine making industry. Native and imported varieties produced a drinkable vintage, but the wine often spoiled during shipment to England. The venture failed. A local market …
By 1640, Jamestown potters were making thick-walled jugs, bowls, and pots for everyday use. Symmetrical design and an occasional slip-coat of color show that skilled artisans were at work. The local ware fired red, due to the iron-rich Tidewater c…
Death and disease stalked the colony year-round. Over the first 18 years, six of seven residents of Jamestown perished - over 6,000 deaths. Dr. Lawrence Bohun arrived at Jamestown in June of 1610, and stayed until the spring of 1611. Colonists …
By the 1600s, hardwood lumber was scarce in England. Early exports of the colony were potash, used in the manufacture of glass, and soap ash, which yields liquid soap. The ashes of hardwood logs were mixed with water, strained, and heated to a …
Among the ruins of New Towne was a seven-foot pit, dug in colonial times. Not deep enough for a well, the hole tapered from 14 feet wide at the rim to 6 feet wide at the sandy bottom. In Britain in the 1600s, perishables were often stored in hu…
Within three days of reaching the New World, the first Jamestown colonists had assembled a small boat to go exploring in the roadless wilderness. Once settled, they gathered raw materials of boat building for export as well as for their own use…
For the first years at Jamestown, the English needed food from the natives in order to survive. The Powhatans for their part sought the colonists' commercial goods: iron tools and pots, hatchets and knives, bells and glass beads. Exchanges coul…
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