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Glaubet an das Evangelium———Believe in the gospelSt Mark 1:15————————————Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott———A mighty fortress is our God
In der Turmkapelle dieser Kirchewurde D. Martin Lutheram Martinstage 1483 getauft —————————— In the tower chapel of this churchD. Martin Luther was baptizedon St. Martin's Day 1483
In diesem hause wurde geborenDr. M. Lutherden 10. November 1483.————————In this house was bornDr. M. Lutheron 10 November 1483.
When Martin Luther came to Wittenberg in 1508 he saw three mighty gates around the heavily fortified town. At this place in 1508 was the Elbe Gate. In front of this gate was the Elbe suburb. In 1829 the Princess Auguste of Saxony-Weimar came th…
When Martin Luther came to Wittenberg in 1508 he saw three mighty gates around the heavily fortified town. At this place in 1508 was the Elster Gate. In front of this gate was the Elster suburb. On February 22, 1546, the body of Martin Luther w…
During Luther's life time it was common to burn the clothes of those who had died because of epidemics near the Holy Cross Hospital which was in front of the Elster Gate. On December 10th, 1520 Dr. Martin Luther burned the papal excommunication wa…
Der Finnishe Reformaterstudierte von 1536-1539in Wittenberg —————————— The Finnish reformerstudied from 1536-1539in Wittenberg
Hier lebte und wirkteDr. Martin Luthervon 1508 bis 1546. —————————— Here lived and workedDr. Martin Lutherfrom 1508 to 1546.
The Luther House was originally a monastery built for Augustinian Hermits between 1504 and 1507. Martin Luther entered the monastery as a monk in 1508. The monastery was dispersed in 1522 during the course of the Reformation Movement. The Renai…
The members of the union "Old Jungfernröhrwasser", including Lucas Cranach the Younger and Hans Lufft, commissioned the construction of these water mains in 1556. There were 20 members at the start. The water was taken from the spring area to th…
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