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New York Yankees 1947 - 1954One of the Yankees' greatest right hand pitchersHurled two no hitters in 1951Starred on five straight World Champions 1949 - 1953Five time All-Star.686 Yankee winning percentageErected by the New York Yankees August 26,…
Site of the redoubtthrown up here in October, 1776by American troopsunder General Heath to protectthe retreat ofWashington's Army from New Yorkto White Plains.
Erected under the auspices of Woodlawn Cemetery and the American Scenic and Historic…
In commemoration of the American Bison Society, founded in 1905 with the help of William T. Hornaday, the Director of the Bronx Zoo.
Under Hornaday's leadership, the ABS' dedicated efforts helped restore bison to the prairies with animals from…