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Westover Church. . Early colonists in Jamestown migrated westward, bringing Anglican worship there as early as 1613. Westover Parish was recognized in 1625 by the House of Burgesses. A church built in 1630 at Westover Plantation was moved to its p…
Herring Creek is a tributary of the James River named for the Alewife and Blueback River Herring that historically have ascended Herring creek along with Hickory Shad to spawn between February and April, and then return to the sea where they spend…
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Gateways to Exploration
Four centuries ago, English eyes searched this landscape for a place to build a fort. Three English ships: the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery had crossed the Atlantic and entered the Chesapea…
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Gateways to Conflict
As the English began to establish settlements up river from Jamestown, they chose prime agricultural spots known as Indian fields that had been cleared and were still in use by the Natives. George Swinhow clai…
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John Smith Explores the Chesapeake
Captain John Smith explored the Chesapeake Bay in the early 1600s seeking precious metals and a passage to Asia. He traveled the James, Chickahominy, and York rivers in 1607, and led two major exped…
Site of
First Official Thanksgiving
in America
December 4, 1619
Berkeley Plantation in Virginia
Placed by: Virginia Society
Colonial Dames XVII Century
During the Civil War in July 1862, when the Army of the Potomac was in camp on this site, Brigadier General Daniel Butterfield summoned Private Oliver Willcox Norton, his Brigade Bugler to his tent. He whistled some new tune and asked the bugler t…
In this graveyard is buried
Col. Benjamin Harrison, V
December 13, 1730
April 24, 1791
Singer of the
Declaration of Independence
Member of
Virginia House of Burgesses
Continental Congress
Federal Constitutional Convention
Thrice gove…
From Prestwood, England
At Jamestown 1608
First Governor of Berkeley
Hundred Plantation 1619
Capt. John Woodlife and 38 settlers
in the Ship "Margaret" landed here
December 4, 1619
First Official Thanksgiving Day
Service in America h…
On 4 Dec. 1619, Capt. John Woodlief, a member of the Virginia Company, arrived aboard the ship Margaret with 35 men to take charge of Berkeley Hundred. An experienced former Jamestown settler, he became Berkeley's first governor. He bore instructi…