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This Classical Revival building, built in 1913-14 and designed by Arthur W. Hamby, was one of 14 public libraries built in S.C. between 1903 and 1916 with funding from Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie Foundation. A 1938 addition compatible to the orig…
[East Face]:Erectedto the MemoryofThe ReverendThomas Curtis, his affectionateanddevoted pupils.[West Face]:He was bornMay 10, 1797 in the townof Wisbfach England.And was lost in the wreck of thesteamer North Carolina,bound from Baltimore to…
Michael Gaffney was born in Granard Ireland and immigrated to the United States in 1797. After a short period in New York, he set sail for Charleston, South Carolina. He departed Charleston for the upstate and arrived at Smith's Ford on the Broad …
[Southeast Face]Born Sept. 29,1775 in Granard, County Longford, Ireland.Came to Charleston S.C.Feb. 3, 1800.Married Miss. Polly Smithof Smith's Ford Union CountyJuly 21, 1803.He established the presentsite of Gaffney in 1804.Was Captain in the war…
The Grindal Shoals and Cherokee Ford roads crossed here when this land was orininally granted to JohnSarratt in 1799 by the State of South Carolina. Michael Gaffney purchased the land in 1804 and by1820 Gaffney's Tavern was located at the crossroa…