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Erected by the Clinton County
Gold Star Mothers in Memory of
Their Sons Who Made the Supreme
Sacrifice in World Wars I and II
[Roll of Honored Dead]
[Added panels for other wars?]
The Village of Plattsburgh
elected its first officers at The
Ark, a popular hotel on May 2 1815.
Le village de Plattsburgh
a elu ses premiers officiers le 2
mai 1815 dans i hotel de renom The Ark.
This former swamp became
horse stalls before the War
of 1812. Hay-weighing scales
were located on the east end.
Cet ancien marecage devint
une ecurie avant la guerre
de 1812. Les balances de foin
etaient situees a l'extremite est.
Plattsburgh's oldest public
building. Reverend John Henry
Hopkins, who authored the hymn
We Three Kings was the rector
here from 1872-1877.
Le plus ancien batiment publique
de Plattsburgh. Ce fut le Reverend
John Henry Hopkins et auteur d…
City Hall was built by John Russell
Pope, who later used its classical
lines to design the Jefferson
Memorial in Washington.
L hotel de ville fut construite
par John Russell Pope. Il reprit
ce style de lignes classiques
pour la conception…
In memory of
Loyal L. Smith
who died February 11, 1908
Donor of this building
to the City of Plattsburgh
Macdonough Monument - 1926 Designed by John Russell Pope this 135 foot tall memorial commemorates the American naval victory at the Battle of Plattsburgh in 1814. Un monument a la victoire navale americaine en 1814 ce grand monument a ete concu pa…
The DeLord House, 1810-1913, A Social Hub During the War of 1812 La maison Delord 1810-1913: bastion de la vie sociale Durant la guerre de 1812 In August 1810, Henry and Betsey Delord purchased the house they would enlarge and their family would o…
Thomas Macdonough Monument This majestic memorial to the American naval victory at Plattsburgh in September 1814 was designed by John Russell Pope (1874-1937) and commands thr park opposite Plattsburgh City Hall, also designed by Pope. Inscribed n…
One of five erected in northern New York in 1794 as a refuge for settlers from Indian attacks.