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Dorchester Parish c. 1675-1690
Built by English colonists on land patented in 1675 to Henry Aldridge, a former indentured servant, Old Trinity Church is one of the oldest church buildings in the United States still used for regular worship. While…
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge is part of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. This refuge encompasses two rivers which share its name. The Little Blackwater flows into the Blackwater River south of the refuge Observation Site. The Blackwater River …
A Tail of Two RodentsBlackwater National Wildlife Refuge is home to the muskrat and, until recently, the nutria, both members of the rodent family. The muskrat is native to the area while the nutria was introduced from South America in the 1940s t…
A Species in PerilThis squirrel is presently restricted to local populations found on the Delmarva Peninsula in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. It lives mostly in mixed strands of mature hardwoods. Habitats include groves of trees along streams …
The local community, joined by others across the nation, honors its native daughter, Harriet Ross Tubman. Her memory endures through artistic expression in works of literature, music, sculpture, paint, photography, performance, and more.
Today's …
During the 1840s and 1850s, the locals knew Reverend Samuel Green as a literate, highly respected Methodist Episcopal preacher and community leader. His church once stood here on land donated in 1843 by free woman Sarah Young. While the building n…
The area before you is a moist soil impoundment constructed in 1936 known as "Pool 1." This 50-acre wetland was improved and enlarged in 2008 by a partnership that include Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, the family of Gibby Roe, Duc…
A SurvivorTens of thousands of bald eagles soared over the United States as late as 1800. In time, their population dwindled due to habitat loss, environmental contaminants, and illegal shooting. By the 1960s, only 400 adults remained.
Thanks to …
Blackwater Refuge expansive marshes, moist soil impoundments, woodlands, and variety of croplands attract thousands of migrating and wintering waterfowl each year. These three habitats provide the food, water, shelter, and space that these birds n…
Blackwater was established in 1933 as a haven for migratory waterfowl. Although management for migratory birds remains a primary focus over 80 years later, the refuge also protects and manages habitat for threatened and endangered species and prov…