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Lived (about 1677) at Chicacone, an ancient Indian town north of this point. The Nanticoke Indian Reservation was laid out by act of Assembly 1698, containing 5166 1/4 acres.
At Johnson's cross roads where the noted kidnapping group had headquarters as described in George Alfred Townsend's novel "The Entailed Hat". The house borders on Caroline and Dorchester Counties and the State of Delaware.
Patented by Captain John Lee of Virginia, 1673, for 2350 acres. It descended through the Lee family until 1787. Thomas Sim Lee, 1745-1819, (second Governor of Maryland) was descended from the Lees of Rehoboth.
This church was built prior to 1690. In the graveyard are buried Governor Thomas King Carroll, many revolutionary heroes and other distinguished Marylanders.
This building was the first school hosue in Dorchester County and was built and used on Taylors Island. Given to Grace Foundation by the Mulberry Grove Spicers. Restored by Grace Foundation 1959.
In the selection of the middle point between the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay for the start of the Mason-Dixon Line survey, this area was the center of a long controversy among British, Maryland and Pennsylvania officials as to whether Ta…
The original chapel was built on this site which was donated by Moses and Elizabeth LeCompte. The deed, dated September 15, 1787, is the oldest one on record for Methodist Episcopal Church land in Dorchester County. Both Bishop Francis Asbury and …
This cannon was captured in 1814 from a tender of the British ship of war "Dauntless".
Lieut. Phipps and crew of 17 men and one colored woman were taken prisoners at James' Point by Capt. Joseph Stewart's company of militia composed of men fro…
Last battle of the War of 1812 in the Chesapeake Bay. A tender to the British ship of war "Dauntless" was captured by Joseph Stewart and local militia near james Island on February 7, 1815. Ice along the shore allowed the militia to approach withi…
Central part of the house built shortly after grant of 2,000 acres in 1661 to Henry Sewall of London, Secretary of the province. He died in 1665. his widow, Jane, came to Maryland on the same ship as Governor Charles Calvert (afterwards 3d Lord Ba…