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Dedicated in remembranceof our veteransMemorial Day 2001bytheir friends and familiesConceived byVeterans of Foreign WarsPost #9770Brownstown, Il. Killed in ActionL.H. Foley · M. Forbis · R.O. Cortelloni · C. Garner ·…
We dedicate this memorialto the men and womenwhose names are listed onthe tablets before you.They left this community toserve with honor and dignityand to preserve freedomaround the world."Never in the course of historyhas so much been owed byso m…
Note plaque is missing: Abraham Lincolntraveled this way as he rode the Circuit of the Eighth Judicial District1847 - 1859
Dr. Morey was born in Erie Co. Penna. but moved to Illinois when a young man. He was nearly 50 yrs. old at his death and had been engaged in the practice of medicine for nearly thirty years. He graduated from the Physio-Medical College of Ohio …
John B. E. CanalA representative fromMadison County in theGeneral Assembly of IllinoisBorn at BaltimoreJune 24, 1809Died at VandaliaDecember 31, 1830 Benjamin A. ClarkRepresentative of theGeneral Assembly fromWayne CountyBorn Febr. 17, 1799Died…
Dedicated to all veteransof Fayette County whoserved their countryin the Armed Services ofthe United States of America Dedicated May 30, 2002
This Plaque is in recognitionof all veterans(known only to God and history)of all former warsthat have laidthe path for thisgreat nation to enjoythe fruits of freedomandthe pursuit of happiness
Wooten Harris · Henry GingerJohn Morrell · Thomas MahonJohn Diamond · Isaac MartinJoseph Evans · Benjamin ToddMichael Tedrick · James VirdenJames S. Carson · Rev. Henry WalkerJames Cheshier · Thomas…
Young Lincoln said of his own ambitions, "...I have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed by my fellow man, by rendering myself worthy of their esteem." This representation of Lincoln in bronze at the time he served in the state leg…
Abraham Lincoln traveled past this spot while he served as a state representative in Vandalia. This location marks the route of a road that ran from Vandalia to Springfield, Illinois. Traces of the roadway are still visible today. The roadway ran …