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All Gave Some, Some Gave All
SPC Ramirez, Ray A - 01 Jun 131LT Russell, Jonam - 23 Jul 13SGT Smith, Stefan M - 23 Jul 13SPC Nichols, Rob L - 23 Jul 13SPC Welch, Nickolas S - 23 Jul 13
"Can Do"
Until about 1778 this island was called Bermuda, but afterward called Colonel's Island because of the large number of colonels having plantations here. Major plantations included "Woodville," "Herron's Point," "Maxwellton," "Suligree," "Maybank,: …
Although the gravestones have been destroyed by weathering and vandalism, it is believed that about a dozen people are buried in this family cemetery. William Harrison died March 30, 1883, in the 72nd year of his age. His wife, Sarah Sylvester Smi…
The town of Hinesville was established in 1837 and shortly thereafter, in 1841, the Hinesville Institute (or Academy) was established with Colonel James Sharpe Bradwell as its first headmaster. The first building was erected at a cost of $349.12 1…
This church was organized in 1833 as the Gum Branch Primitive Baptist Church by members of Beard's Creek Primitive Baptist Church. Among the charter members were Samuel and David Delk. The land for the church was given by Fashau Long, Jr.
In 18…
Members of the Midway Colony Signers of the Declaration of Independence and Governors of Georgia
On Dec. 13, 1864, Murray's brigade of Kilpatrick's cavalry division (USA), scouting in the right rear of Gen. Sherman's army, which was then closing in on Savannah, moved south into Liberty County. After driving back the 29th Georgia Cavalry Batta…
Erected in honorof themen and womenofHinesvilleandLiberty Countywho served in theArmed Forces of theUnited States of Americain World War Two.
Glory to them that died in this great cause!
Replacing the aging 3-inch gun as the staple of Army heavy antiaircraft artillery at the dawn of the war, the 90mm gun went on to earn a well deserved place among the finest artillery pieces fielded by the Allies in World War II. Intended to meet …
While this building was not Liberty County's first jail, it served longer than any previous jail. When in was built in 1892 the jail had "all the modern improvements and conveniences of a first class prison." Eighty years later it was condemned by…